Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Hidup Harus SelaluOptimis

Banyak orang yang merasa bahwa dirinya adalah oarang yang paling susah.Sehingga menjadi malas-malasan dalam menjalani kehidupan,seringkalidia tidak merasa bahwa banyak orang yang diciptakan oleh ALLAH dalam kondisi kurang sempurna,namun mereka mampu sukse menjalani kehidupan ini.Bahkan mereka bisa jadi lebih sukses dari orang normal.Seperti yang anda bisa liat dalam video ini

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Materi VB 6

Untuk mempelajari Visual Basic 6,Silahkan download di sini

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

What's the significance of life? Who are we?
Is human life just a dream, from which we never really awake, as some great thinkers claim? Are we submerged by our feelings, by our loves and hates, by our ideas of good, bad, beautiful, awful? Are we incapable of knowing beyond those ideas and feelings?

Listen to Shakespeare and Joseph Conrad:

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep…
William Shakespeare, The Tempest (Folger Shakespeare Library) 
A man that is born falls into a dream like a man who falls into the sea.
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim (Penguin Classics)

Is the reality we know a reality imposed to us by nature? Is the reality and the meaning of life a creation of men, such as music, or love or colors (science tells us that there isn't such things as music, harmony or colors in the physic world. Just traveling molecules: «There is not, external to us, hot or cold, but only different velocities of molecules; there aren’t sounds, callings, harmonies, but just variations in the pressure of the air; there aren’t colours, or light, just electro-magnetic waves», said H. Von Foerster.).

Are we - and all living beings - just «survival machines, blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes», as Richard Dawkins states? Are we incapable of knowing beyond the frames imposed to us by nature?

Is there any significance for life in a Universe of billions of stars that ignore us
? Is there any significance for life in an Universe whose dimensions and nature overcome our understanding?

Listen to the words of Pascal, in the seventeenth century:

«When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the eternity that lies before and after it, when I consider the little space I fill and I see, engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I am ignorant, and which know me not, I rest frightened, and astonished, for there is no reason why I should be here rather than there. Why now rather than then? Who has put me here? By whose order and direction have this place and time have been ascribed to me?»
Pensees (Penguin Classics)

This site is about these themes, and the thoughts they create.
Love and cruelty on our lives
Love gives meaning to our lives – as do friendship, or art or faith in God. These are factors of true happiness, of inner peace, of feelings of harmony, allowing meaning to our existence.

But there is the other side. There is the cruelty of life, the pain, the evil, not to talk of death. They are the hidden tigers, ambushed and ready to attack the imprudent, to use an image present in the Buddhist Scriptures.

Is between these pendulums - the positive, the one that gives happiness and meaning, and the negative - that our lives are lived. And when we meditate about all that, we arrive at a diverse and disagreeing set of thoughts about the meaning and purpose of life.

This site is also about these themes and thoughts…
Quizzes and Tests
Thoughts on the Significance of Life
Thoughts on Love Authors
Thoughts on Life and Friendship

Poetic reflexions about the brevity of our lives

Insignificant mortals, who are as leaves are, and now flourish and grow warm with life, and feed on what the ground gives, but then again fade away and are dead.
Homer, Century IX b.C., Greek poet, The Iliad (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

To see more
Life is too Short

Speculations on our place on the Universe

When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the eternity before and after, the little space which I fill, and even can see, engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I am ignorant, and which know me not, I am frightened, and am astonished at being here rather than there; for there is no reason why here rather than there, why now rather than then. Who has put me here? By whose order and direction have this place and time been alloted to me?
B. Pascal, 1623-1662, French philosopher, physic and mathematician, Pensees (Penguin Classics)

To see more
Why are we here? Why was I born? Man and the Universe

Speculations on the purpose and meaning of life

Why is there something rather than nothing? We do not know. We will never know. Why? To what purpose? We do not know whether there is a purpose. But if it is true that nothing is born of nothing, the very existence of something – the world, the universe – would seem to imply that there has always been something: that being is eternal, uncreated, perhaps creator, and this is what some people call God.
André Comte-Sponville, French philosopher, The Little Book of Philosophy

What is the purpose of life? I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy.
Dalai Lama, Tibetan political and spiritual leader, Voices from the Heart; The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living
To see more:
Is life meaningful?
Science and meaning

Thoughts about love and friendship in our lives

At our mother breast, we tasted not only milk but also love – just enough love to know that it was the only thing that could ever satisfy us and that we will miss it forever.
Compte-Sponville, French philosopher, A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life
To see more:
Life and Friendship
Life and Love

Philosophy of life thoughts 

Therefore don't be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day's own evil is sufficient.
Bible, Matthew, 6:34
To see more:
Philosophies of life
Poems about life

Sarcastic and well humoured thoughts

I see the better, and approve. But I follow the worst.
Ovidius, 43-17 a.C, roman writer, Metamorphoses (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana)
To see more:
Quiz: Thoughts on the Significance of Life
Humour about life and life meaning

houghts connected to science

We are survival machines - robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment.
Richard Dawkins, English biologist, The Selfish Gene: 30th Anniversary Edition--with a new Introduction by the Author
To see more:
Science and meaning of life
Man and the Universe

Thoughts about the importance of wisdom

The wise man has the sun and the moon by his side. He grasps the universe under the arm. He blends everything into a harmonious whole, cast aside whatever is confused or obscured, and regards the humble and the honourable.
Tchuang-Tseu, Chinese philosopher, III b. C., Book of Tchuang-Tseu 
To see more:
Philosophies of life

Thoughts about the cruelty of life, pain and death

Nature separates beings, after having surrounded them by love. It divides them, and demands that they still love each other.
G. Leopardi, 1798-1837, Italian writer, Poésis, Le Coucher de la Lune
To see more:
Life is Pain
Life after Death

Quotes about life - Existential Thought

Thoughts about what we are in the Cosmos

We, sons of the water, earth and sun, are no more than small straw, foetus of the cosmic diaspora, scraps of solar existence, insignificant sprouts of the earth’s existence.
E. Morin, French philosopher and sociologist, Method V

To see more:
Man and the Universe
Science and meaning of life

Thoughts about who we are

However sage anyone is, he is, after all, but a man.
Montaigne, 1533-1592, French writer, Montaigne: Essays

To see more
Human beings and human condition

Positive and negative thoughts about the meaning of life

There may be trouble ahead,
But while there’s moonlight and music and love and romance,
Let’s face the music and dance.
Irving Berlin, 1888-1989, American songwriter, Follow the Fleet   
To see more:
Philosophies of life
Life is short
Life is pain
Life is a dream
Humour about life
Life quotes - Existential thought

Thoughts about the illusion present on our lives

Dreams are true while they last,

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Jumat, 07 Januari 2011


What's the significance of life? Who are we?
Is human life just a dream, from which we never really awake, as some great thinkers claim? Are we submerged by our feelings, by our loves and hates, by our ideas of good, bad, beautiful, awful? Are we incapable of knowing beyond those ideas and feelings?

Listen to Shakespeare and Joseph Conrad:

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep…
William Shakespeare, The Tempest (Folger Shakespeare Library) 
A man that is born falls into a dream like a man who falls into the sea.
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim (Penguin Classics)

Is the reality we know a reality imposed to us by nature? Is the reality and the meaning of life a creation of men, such as music, or love or colors (science tells us that there isn't such things as music, harmony or colors in the physic world. Just traveling molecules: «There is not, external to us, hot or cold, but only different velocities of molecules; there aren’t sounds, callings, harmonies, but just variations in the pressure of the air; there aren’t colours, or light, just electro-magnetic waves», said H. Von Foerster.).

Are we - and all living beings - just «survival machines, blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes», as Richard Dawkins states? Are we incapable of knowing beyond the frames imposed to us by nature?

Is there any significance for life in a Universe of billions of stars that ignore us
? Is there any significance for life in an Universe whose dimensions and nature overcome our understanding?

Listen to the words of Pascal, in the seventeenth century:

«When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the eternity that lies before and after it, when I consider the little space I fill and I see, engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I am ignorant, and which know me not, I rest frightened, and astonished, for there is no reason why I should be here rather than there. Why now rather than then? Who has put me here? By whose order and direction have this place and time have been ascribed to me?»
Pensees (Penguin Classics)

This site is about these themes, and the thoughts they create.
Love and cruelty on our lives
Love gives meaning to our lives – as do friendship, or art or faith in God. These are factors of true happiness, of inner peace, of feelings of harmony, allowing meaning to our existence.

But there is the other side. There is the cruelty of life, the pain, the evil, not to talk of death. They are the hidden tigers, ambushed and ready to attack the imprudent, to use an image present in the Buddhist Scriptures.

Is between these pendulums - the positive, the one that gives happiness and meaning, and the negative - that our lives are lived. And when we meditate about all that, we arrive at a diverse and disagreeing set of thoughts about the meaning and purpose of life.

This site is also about these themes and thoughts…
Quizzes and Tests
Thoughts on the Significance of Life
Thoughts on Love Authors
Thoughts on Life and Friendship

Poetic reflexions about the brevity of our lives

Insignificant mortals, who are as leaves are, and now flourish and grow warm with life, and feed on what the ground gives, but then again fade away and are dead.
Homer, Century IX b.C., Greek poet, The Iliad (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

To see more
Life is too Short

Speculations on our place on the Universe

When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the eternity before and after, the little space which I fill, and even can see, engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I am ignorant, and which know me not, I am frightened, and am astonished at being here rather than there; for there is no reason why here rather than there, why now rather than then. Who has put me here? By whose order and direction have this place and time been alloted to me?
B. Pascal, 1623-1662, French philosopher, physic and mathematician, Pensees (Penguin Classics)

To see more
Why are we here? Why was I born? Man and the Universe

Speculations on the purpose and meaning of life

Why is there something rather than nothing? We do not know. We will never know. Why? To what purpose? We do not know whether there is a purpose. But if it is true that nothing is born of nothing, the very existence of something – the world, the universe – would seem to imply that there has always been something: that being is eternal, uncreated, perhaps creator, and this is what some people call God.
André Comte-Sponville, French philosopher, The Little Book of Philosophy

What is the purpose of life? I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy.
Dalai Lama, Tibetan political and spiritual leader, Voices from the Heart; The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living
To see more:
Is life meaningful?
Science and meaning

Thoughts about love and friendship in our lives

At our mother breast, we tasted not only milk but also love – just enough love to know that it was the only thing that could ever satisfy us and that we will miss it forever.
Compte-Sponville, French philosopher, A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life
To see more:
Life and Friendship
Life and Love

Philosophy of life thoughts 

Therefore don't be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day's own evil is sufficient.
Bible, Matthew, 6:34
To see more:
Philosophies of life
Poems about life

Sarcastic and well humoured thoughts

I see the better, and approve. But I follow the worst.
Ovidius, 43-17 a.C, roman writer, Metamorphoses (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana)
To see more:
Quiz: Thoughts on the Significance of Life
Humour about life and life meaning

houghts connected to science

We are survival machines - robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment.
Richard Dawkins, English biologist, The Selfish Gene: 30th Anniversary Edition--with a new Introduction by the Author
To see more:
Science and meaning of life
Man and the Universe

Thoughts about the importance of wisdom

The wise man has the sun and the moon by his side. He grasps the universe under the arm. He blends everything into a harmonious whole, cast aside whatever is confused or obscured, and regards the humble and the honourable.
Tchuang-Tseu, Chinese philosopher, III b. C., Book of Tchuang-Tseu 
To see more:
Philosophies of life

Thoughts about the cruelty of life, pain and death

Nature separates beings, after having surrounded them by love. It divides them, and demands that they still love each other.
G. Leopardi, 1798-1837, Italian writer, Poésis, Le Coucher de la Lune
To see more:
Life is Pain
Life after Death

Quotes about life - Existential Thought

Thoughts about what we are in the Cosmos

We, sons of the water, earth and sun, are no more than small straw, foetus of the cosmic diaspora, scraps of solar existence, insignificant sprouts of the earth’s existence.
E. Morin, French philosopher and sociologist, Method V

To see more:
Man and the Universe
Science and meaning of life

Thoughts about who we are

However sage anyone is, he is, after all, but a man.
Montaigne, 1533-1592, French writer, Montaigne: Essays

To see more
Human beings and human condition

Positive and negative thoughts about the meaning of life

There may be trouble ahead,
But while there’s moonlight and music and love and romance,
Let’s face the music and dance.
Irving Berlin, 1888-1989, American songwriter, Follow the Fleet   
To see more:
Philosophies of life
Life is short
Life is pain
Life is a dream
Humour about life
Life quotes - Existential thought

Thoughts about the illusion present on our lives

Dreams are true while they last,

Semarang City

The city of Semarang is the capital of the Province of Central Java , Indonesia . Semarang merupakan kota yang dipimpin oleh wali kota Drs. Semarang is the city led by a mayor , Drs. H. H. Soemarmo HS, MSi dan wakil wali kota Hendrar Prihadi, SE, MM . Soemarmo HS, MSI and deputy mayor Hendrar Prihadi, SE, MM . Kota ini terletak sekitar 466 km sebelah timur Jakarta , atau 312 km sebelah barat Surabaya . The city is located about 466 km east of Jakarta , or 312 km west of Surabaya . Semarang berbatasan dengan Laut Jawa di utara, Kabupaten Demak di timur, Kabupaten Semarang di selatan, dan Kabupaten Kendal di barat. Semarang is bordered by Java Sea to the north, Demak regency in the east, Semarang District in the south, and the District of Kendal in the west.

Daftar isi Table of contents


[ sunting ] Sejarah [ edit ] History

Sejarah Semarang berawal kurang lebih pada abad ke-8 M, yaitu daerah pesisir yang bernama Pragota (sekarang menjadi Bergota) dan merupakan bagian dari kerajaan Mataram Kuno . Semarang's history began more or less in the 8th century AD, the coastal area called Pragota (now a Bergota) and is part of the ancient Mataram kingdom . Daerah tersebut pada masa itu merupakan pelabuhan dan di depannya terdapat gugusan pulau-pulau kecil. The area at that time was in front of the port and there are clusters of small islands. Akibat pengendapan, yang hingga sekarang masih terus berlangsung, gugusan tersebut sekarang menyatu membentuk daratan. Due to sedimentation, which until now still ongoing, the current cluster together to form the mainland. Bagian kota Semarang Bawah yang dikenal sekarang ini dengan demikian dahulu merupakan laut. Lower part of Semarang city known today as such former marine. Pelabuhan tersebut diperkirakan berada di daerah Pasar Bulu sekarang dan memanjang masuk ke Pelabuhan Simongan, tempat armada Laksamana Cheng Ho bersandar pada tahun 1405 M. Port is expected to be in an area now and the Feather Market extends into Simongan Harbor, where the fleet of Admiral Cheng Ho to rely on 1405 AD Di tempat pendaratannya, Laksamana Cheng Ho mendirikan kelenteng dan mesjid yang sampai sekarang masih dikunjungi dan disebut Kelenteng Sam Po Kong (Gedung Batu). In place of landing, Admiral Cheng Ho founded the temple and the mosque which is still visited and called Sam Po Kong temple (Gedung Batu).
Pada akhir abad ke-15 M ada seseorang ditempatkan oleh Kerajaan Demak, dikenal sebagai Pangeran Made Pandan ( Sunan Pandanaran I ), untuk menyebarkan agama Islam dari perbukitan Pragota. At the end of the 15th century AD there is someone stationed by the Kingdom of Demak, known as the Prince Made Pandan (Sunan Pandanaran I), to spread the religion of Islam from the hills Pragota. Dari waktu ke waktu daerah itu semakin subur, dari sela-sela kesuburan itu muncullah pohon asam yang arang (bahasa Jawa: Asem Arang ), sehingga memberikan gelar atau nama daerah itu menjadi Semarang. From time to time that the more fertile areas, from the sidelines of the fertility that comes the trees are charcoal acid (Javanese: Asem Charcoal), thus giving the title or the name of that area became Hyderabad.
Sebagai pendiri desa, kemudian menjadi kepala daerah setempat, dengan gelar Kyai Ageng Pandan Arang I . As a founder of the village, then became head of the local area, with a degree Kyai Pandan Arang I Ageng . Sepeninggalnya, pimpinan daerah dipegang oleh putranya yang bergelar Pandan Arang II (kelak disebut sebagai Sunan Bayat atau Sunan Pandanaran II atau Sunan Pandanaran Bayat atau Ki Ageng Pandanaran atau Sunan Pandanaran saja ). After him, regional leaders, held by his son who holds Pandan Arang II (later known as Sunan Bayat or Sunan Pandanaran II or Pandanaran Sunan Bayat or Ki Ageng Pandanaran or Sunan Pandanaran only). Di bawah pimpinan Pandan Arang II, daerah Semarang semakin menunjukkan pertumbuhannya yang meningkat, sehingga menarik perhatian Sultan Hadiwijaya dari Pajang . Under the leadership of Pandan Arang II, Semarang area continued to show growth increases, so attracted the attention of Sultan Hadiwijaya from Pajang . Karena persyaratan peningkatan daerah dapat dipenuhi, maka diputuskan untuk menjadikan Semarang setingkat dengan Kabupaten . Because the requirements of local improvement can be met, it was decided to make the same level of Semarang Regency . Pada tanggal 2 Mei 1547 bertepatan dengan peringatan maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW, tanggal 12 rabiul awal tahun 954 H disahkan oleh Sultan Hadiwijaya setelah berkonsultasi dengan Sunan Kalijaga . On May 2nd 1547 to coincide with the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, the 12th of Rabi beginning of the year 954 H approved by the Sultan Hadiwijaya after consultation with the Sunan Kalijaga . Tanggal 2 Mei kemudian ditetapkan sebagai hari jadi kota Semarang. May 2, then set as the day become the city of Semarang.
Kemudian pada tahun 1678 Amangkurat II dari Mataram, berjanji kepada VOC untuk memberikan Semarang sebagai pembayaran hutangnya, dia mengklaim daerah Priangan dan pajak dari pelabuhan pesisir sampai hutangnya lunas. Later in the year 1678 Amangkurat II of Mataram, promised the VOC to provide Semarang as its debt payments, he claimed the area Priangan and taxes from the coastal port until the debt is paid off. Pada tahun 1705 Susuhunan Pakubuwono I menyerahkan Semarang kepada VOC sebagai bagian dari perjanjiannya karena telah dibantu untuk merebut Kartasura. In 1705 I handed Semarang Susuhunan Pakubuwono to VOC as part of the deal because it has helped to seize Kartasura. Sejak saat itu Semarang resmi menjadi kota milik VOC dan kemudian Pemerintah Hindia Belanda. Since then officially became a city of Semarang, the VOC and then the Dutch East Indies government.
Kantor KPM ( Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij ) di Semarang (1918-1930) Office of the KPM ( Koninklijke Maatschappij Paketvaart ) in Semarang (1918-1930)
Pada tahun 1906 dengan Stanblat Nomor 120 tahun 1906 dibentuklah Pemerintah Gemeente. In 1906 with Stanblat Number 120 was established in 1906 Gemeente Government. Pemerintah kota besar ini dikepalai oleh seorang Burgemeester (Wali kota). The government of this great city is headed by a Burgemeester (mayor). Sistem Pemerintahan ini dipegang oleh orang-orang Belanda berakhir pada tahun 1942 dengan datangya pemerintahan pendudukan Jepang. Government System is held by the Dutch ended in 1942 with the Japanese occupation government datangya.
Pada masa Jepang terbentuklah pemerintah daerah Semarang yang di kepalai Militer (Shico) dari Jepang. During the Japanese government was formed in Semarang who headed the Military (Shico) from Japan. Didampingi oleh dua orang wakil (Fuku Shico) yang masing-masing dari Jepang dan seorang bangsa Indonesia. Accompanied by two representatives (Fuku Shico) each from Japan and a nation of Indonesia. Tidak lama sesudah kemerdekaan, yaitu tanggal 15 sampai 20 Oktober 1945 terjadilah peristiwa kepahlawanan pemuda-pemuda Semarang yang bertempur melawan balatentara Jepang yang bersikeras tidak bersedia menyerahkan diri kepada Pasukan Republik. Shortly after independence, the date 15 to October 20, 1945 there was a heroic event Semarang youths who fought the Japanese army who insisted on not willing to surrender to the forces of the Republic. Perjuangan ini dikenal dengan nama Pertempuran lima hari di Semarang . This struggle is known as the Battle of five days in Semarang .
Tahun 1946 lnggris atas nama Sekutu menyerahkan kota Semarang kepada pihak Belanda.Ini terjadi pada tangga l6 Mei 1946. In 1946 the British on behalf of the Allies handed over to the city of Semarang Belanda.Ini occur on stairs l6 May 1946. Tanggal 3 Juni 1946 dengan tipu muslihatnya, pihak Belanda menangkap Mr. June 3, 1946 with deceptive muslihatnya, the Netherlands arrested Mr. Imam Sudjahri, wali kota Semarang sebelum proklamasi kemerdekaan. Imam Sudjahri, mayor of Semarang before the proclamation of independence. Selama masa pendudukan Belanda tidak ada pemerintahan daerah kota Semarang. During the period of Dutch occupation there are no local government of Semarang city. Narnun para pejuang di bidang pemerintahan tetap menjalankan pemerintahan di daerah pedalaman atau daerah pengungsian diluar kota sampai dengan bulan Desember 1948. Narnun the fighters in the field of government still running the government in rural areas or refugee area outside the city until December 1948. daerah pengungsian berpindah-pindah mulai dari kota Purwodadi, Gubug, Kedungjati, Salatiga, dan akhirnya di Yogyakarta. evacuation areas moving from the city Purwodadi, Gubug, Kedungjati, Salatiga, and finally in Yogyakarta. Pimpinan pemerintahan berturut-turut dipegang oleh R Patah, R.Prawotosudibyo dan Mr Ichsan. Government leaders in a row held by R Broken, R. Prawotosudibyo and Mr. Ichsan. Pemerintahan pendudukan Belanda yang dikenal dengan Recomba berusaha membentuk kembali pemerintahan Gemeente seperti dimasa kolonial dulu di bawah pimpinan R Slamet Tirtosubroto. Dutch occupation government, known as Recomba trying to reshape the Gemeente like the days of colonial rule first under the leadership of R Slamet Tirtosubroto. Hal itu tidak berhasil, karena dalam masa pemulihan kedaulatan harus menyerahkan kepada Komandan KMKB Semarang pada bulan Februari 1950. It did not work, because in the recovery of sovereignty should be handed to the Commander KMKB Hyderabad in February 1950. tanggal I April 1950 Mayor Suhardi, Komandan KMKB. First date April 1950 Major Suhardi, Commander KMKB. menyerahkan kepemimpinan pemerintah daerah Semarang kepada Mr Koesoedibyono, seorang pegawai tinggi Kementrian Dalam Negeri di Yogyakarta. hand over the leadership of local governments to Mr Koesoedibyono Hyderabad, a high official of the Interior Ministry in Yogyakarta. Ia menyusun kembali aparat pemerintahan guna memperlancar jalannya pemerintahan. He recast the government officials in order to facilitate the running of the government.

[ sunting ] Daftar wali kota [ edit ] List of mayors

[ sunting ] Sejak 1945 [ edit ] From 1945

Sejak tahun 1945 para wali kota yang memimpin kota besar Semarang yang kemudian menjadi Kota Praja dan akhirnya menjadi Kota Semarang adalah sebagai berikut: Since 1945 the mayor, who led the major cities of Semarang who later became the Township and eventually became the city of Semarang is as follows:
  • Mr. Mr. Moch.lchsan Moch.lchsan
  • Mr. Mr. Koesoebiyono (1949 - 1 Juli 1951) Koesoebiyono (1949 - 1 July 1951)
  • RM. RM. Hadisoebeno Sosrowerdoyo (1 Juli 1951 - 1 Januari 1958) Hadisoebeno Sosrowerdoyo (July 1, 1951 - January 1, 1958)
  • Mr. Mr. Abdulmadjid Djojoadiningrat (7 Januari 1958 - 1 Januari 1960) Abdulmadjid Djojoadiningrat (January 7, 1958 - January 1, 1960)
  • RM Soebagyono Tjondrokoesoemo (1 Januari 1961 - 26 April 1964) RM Soebagyono Tjondrokoesoemo (January 1, 1961 - April 26, 1964)
  • Mr. Mr. Wuryanto (25 April 1964 - 1 September 1966) Wuryanto (25 April 1964-1 September 1966)
  • Letkol. Lieutenant Colonel. Soeparno (1 September 1966 - 6 Maret 1967) Soeparno (1 September 1966 - March 6, 1967)
  • Letkol. Lieutenant Colonel. R.Warsito Soegiarto (6 Maret 1967 - 2 Januari 1973) R. Warsito Soegiarto (March 6, 1967 - 2 January 1973)
  • Kolonel Hadijanto (2 Januari 1973 - 15 Januari 1980) Colonel Hadijanto (January 2, 1973 - January 15, 1980)
  • Kol. Kol. H. H. Iman Soeparto Tjakrajoeda SH (15 Januari 1980 - 19 Januari 1990) Faith Soeparto Tjakrajoeda SH (January 15, 1980 - 19 January 1990)
  • Kolonel H. Colonel H. Soetrisno Suharto (19 Januari 1990 - 19 Januari 2000) Soetrisno Suharto (January 19, 1990 - 19 January 2000)
  • H. H. Sukawi Sutarip SH. Sukawi Sutarip SH. (19 Januari 2000 - 2010) (19 January 2000 - 2010)
  • Drs.H.Soemarmo HS, MSi / Hendrar Prihadi, SE, MM. Drs.H.Soemarmo HS, MSI / Hendrar Prihadi, SE, MM. (2010 - ) (2010 -)

[ sunting ] Daftar penguasa Semarang [ edit ] List of rulers Semarang

[ sunting ] Di bawah Demak [ edit ] Under Demak

[ sunting ] Di bawah Pajang dan Mataram [ edit ] Under Pajang and Mataram

  • Pangeran Kanoman atau Pandan Arang III (1553-1586) Prince Kanoman or Pandan Arang III (1553-1586)
  • Mas R.Tumenggung Tambi (1657-1659) Mas R. Tumenggung Tambi (1657-1659)
  • Mas Tumenggung Wongsorejo (1659 - 1666) Mas Tumenggung Wongsorejo (1659 - 1666)
  • Mas Tumenggung Prawiroprojo (1666-1670) Mas Tumenggung Prawiroprojo (1666-1670)
  • Mas Tumenggung Alap-alap (1670-1674) Mas Tumenggung kestrel (1670-1674)
  • Kyai Mertonoyo, Kyai Tumenggung Yudonegoro atau Kyai Adipati Suromenggolo (1674 -1701) Kyai Mertonoyo, Kyai Kyai Tumenggung Yudonegoro or Suromenggolo Duke (1674 -1701)

[ sunting ] Di bawah VOC [ edit ] Under VOC

  • Raden Martoyudo atau Raden Sumoningrat (1743-1751) Raden Raden Martoyudo or Sumoningrat (1743-1751)
  • Marmowijoyo atau Sumowijoyo atau Sumonegoro atau Surohadimenggolo (1751-1773) Marmowijoyo or Sumowijoyo or Sumonegoro or Surohadimenggolo (1751-1773)
  • Surohadimenggolo IV (1773-?) Surohadimenggolo IV (1773 -?)
  • Adipati Surohadimenggolo V atau kanjeng Terboyo (?) Duke Surohadimenggolo V or Kanjeng Terboyo (?)

[ sunting ] Pemerintahan Hindia Belanda [ edit ] Government of the Netherlands East Indies

  • Raden Tumenggung Surohadiningrat (?-1841) Raden Tumenggung Surohadiningrat (? -1841)
  • Putro Surohadimenggolo (1841-1855) Putro Surohadimenggolo (1841-1855)
  • Mas Ngabehi Reksonegoro (1855-1860) Mas Ngabehi Reksonegoro (1855-1860)
  • RTP Suryokusurno (1860-1887) RTP Suryokusurno (1860-1887)
  • RTP Reksodirjo (1887-1891) RTP Reksodirjo (1887-1891)
  • RMTA Purbaningrat (1891-?) RMTA Purbaningrat (1891 -?)
Pemerintahan kemudian dibagi 2 : Kota Praja dan Kabupaten. Government then divided by 2: Township and County. Penguasa pribumi kemudian menjadi Bupati Semarang: Native rulers later became regent of Semarang:
  • Raden Cokrodipuro (?-1927) Raden Cokrodipuro (? -1927)
  • RM Soebiyono (1897-1927) RM Soebiyono (1897-1927)
  • RM Amin Suyitno (1927-1942) RM Amin Suyitno (1927-1942)
  • RMAA Sukarman Mertohadinegoro (1942-1945) RMAA Sukarman Mertohadinegoro (1942-1945)

[ sunting ] Pemerintahan Republik Indonesia [ edit ] Government of the Republic of Indonesia

  • R. R. Soediyono Taruna Kusumo (1945-1945), hanya berlangsung satu bulan Taruna Soediyono Kusumo (1945-1945), only lasted one month
  • M. M. Soemardjito Priyohadisubroto (tahun 1946) Soemardjito Priyohadisubroto (year 1946)

[ sunting ] Pemerintahan RIS [ edit ] Government RIS

  • RM. RM. Condronegoro hingga tahun 1949 Condronegoro until 1949

[ sunting ] Setelah pengakuan kedaulatan [ edit ] After the recognition of sovereignty

  • M. M. Soemardjito Priyohadisubroto (1946-1952) Soemardjito Priyohadisubroto (1946-1952)
  • R. R. Oetoyo Koesoemo (1952-1956). Oetoyo Koesoemo (1952-1956).
Utuk Bupati selanjutnya buka halaman Kabupaten Semarang Regent utuk then open the page Semarang District
Kotamadya Semarang secara definitif ditetapkan berdasarkan UU Nomor 13 tahun 1950 tentang pembentukan kabupaten-kabupaten dalam lingkungan Provinsi Jawa Tengah . Municipality of Semarang be definitively established under Law No. 13 of 1950 concerning establishment of districts within the province of Central Java .
Java Mall di Kota Semarang pada tahun 2008. Java Mall in the city of Semarang in 2008.

[ sunting ] Geografi [ edit ] Geography

Daerah dataran rendah di Kota Semarang sangat sempit, yakni sekitar 4 kilometer dari garis pantai. Low-lying areas in the city of Semarang is very narrow, which is about 4 kilometers from the coastline. Dataran rendah ini dikenal dengan sebutan kota bawah . Lowland is known as the city below. Kawasan kota bawah seringkali dilanda banjir, dan di sejumlah kawasan, banjir ini disebabkan luapan air laut (rob). Down town area is often hit by floods, and in some areas, flooding is caused by overflow of sea water (rob). Di sebelah selatan merupakan dataran tinggi, yang dikenal dengan sebutan kota atas , di antaranya meliputi Kecamatan Candi, Mijen, Gunungpati, dan Banyumanik. To the south is a plateau, known as the city above, among which include the Temple District, Mijen, Gunungpati, and Banyumanik.

[ sunting ] Pembagian administratif [ edit ] Subdivisions

Kota Semarang terdiri atas 16 kecamatan dan 177 kelurahan Semarang city consists of 16 districts and 177 villages
Kecamatan Sub-district Kelurahan Village
Banyumanik Banyumanik Pudakpayung , Gedawang , Jabungan , Padangsari , Banyumanik , Srondol Wetan , Pedalangan , Sumurboto , Srondol Kulon , Tinjomoyo , Ngesrep Pudakpayung , Gedawang , Jabungan , Padangsari , Banyumanik , Srondol Wetan , puppetry , Sumurboto , Srondol Kulon , Tinjomoyo , Ngesrep
Candisari Candisari Candi, Jatingaleh , Jomblang , Kaliwiru , Karanganyar Gunung , Tegalsari , Wonotingal Temple, Jatingaleh , Jomblang , Kaliwiru , Karanganyar Mount , Tegalsari , Wonotingal
Gajahmungkur Gajahmungkur Bendang Duwur, Bendan Ngisor, Bendungan, Gajahmungkur, Krangrejo, Lempongsari, Petompon, Sampangan Duwur plot, Bendan Ngisor, Dams, Gajahmungkur, Krangrejo, Lempongsari, Petompon, Sampangan
Gayamsari Gayamsari Gayamsari, Kaligawe, Pandean Lamper, Sambirejo, Sawahbesar, Siwalan, Tambakrejo, Gayamsari, Kaligawe, Pandean Lamper, Sambirejo, Sawahbesar, Siwalan, Tambakrejo,
Genuk Genuk Bangetayu Kulon, Bangetayu Wetan, Banjardowo, Gebangsari, Genuksari, Karangroto, Kudu, Muktiharjo Lor, Penggaron Lor, Sembungharjo, Terboyo Kulon, Terboyo Wetan, Trimulyo Bangetayu Kulon, Bangetayu Wetan, Banjardowo, Gebangsari, Genuksari, Karangroto, kudu, Muktiharjo Lor, Lor Penggaron, Sembungharjo, Terboyo Kulon, Terboyo Wetan, Trimulyo
Gunungpati Gunungpati Cepoko, Gunungpati, Jatirejo, Kalisegoro, Kandri, Mangunsari, Ngijo, Nongkosawit, Pakintelan, Patemon, Plalangan, Pongangan, Sadeng, Sekaran, Sukorejo, Sumurejo Cepoko, Gunungpati, Jatirejo, Kalisegoro, Kandri, Mangunsari, Ngijo, Nongkosawit, Pakintelan, Patemon, Plalangan, Pongangan, Sadeng, have now, Sukorejo, Sumurejo
Mijen Mijen Bubakan, Cangkiran, Jatibaran, Jatisari, Karangmalang, Kedungpani, Mijen, Ngadirgo, Pesantren, Polaman, Purwosari, Tambangan, Wonolopo, Wonoplumbon, Bubakan, Cangkiran, Jatibaran, Jatisari, Karangmalang, Kedungpani, Mijen, Ngadirgo, Pesantren, Polaman, Purwosari, mining, Wonolopo, Wonoplumbon,
Ngaliyan Ngaliyan Bambankerep, Beringin, Gondoriyo, Kalipancur, Ngaliyan, Podorejo, Purwoyoso, Tambak Aji, Wonosari Bambankerep, Banyan, Gondoriyo, Kalipancur, Ngaliyan, Podorejo, Purwoyoso, Embankment Aji, Wonosari
Pedurungan Pedurungan Gemah, Kalicari, Muktiharjo Kidul, Palebon, Pedurungan Kidul, Pedurungan Lor, Pedurungan Tengah, Penggaron Kidul, Plamongan Sari, Tlogomulyo, Tlogosari Kulon, Tlogosari Wetan, Gemah, Kalicari, Muktiharjo Kidul, Palebon, Pedurungan Kidul, Pedurungan Lor, Middle Pedurungan, Penggaron Kidul, Plamongan Sari, Tlogomulyo, Tlogosari Kulon, Tlogosari Wetan,
Semarang Barat West Hyderabad Bojongsalaman, Bongsari, Cabean, Gisikdrono, Kalibanteng Kidul, Kalibanteng Kulon, Karangayu, Kembangarum, Krapyak, Krobokan, Manyaran, Ngemplaksimongan, Salamanmloyo, Tambakharjo, Tawangmas, Tawangsari Bojongsalaman, Bongsari, Cabean, Gisikdrono, Kalibanteng Kidul, Kulon Kalibanteng, Karangayu, Kembangarum, Krapyak, Krobokan, Manyaran, Ngemplaksimongan, Salamanmloyo, Tambakharjo, Tawangmas, Tawangsari
Semarang Selatan South Hyderabad Barusari, Bulustalan, Lamper Kidul, Lamper Lor, Lamper Tengah, Mugassari, Peterongan, Pleburan, Randusari, Wonodri Barusari, Bulustalan, Lamper Kidul, Lamper Lor, Middle Lamper, Mugassari, Peterongan, Pleburan, Randusari, Wonodri
Semarang Tengah Central Hyderabad Bangunharjo, Brumbungan, Gabahan, Jagalan, Karangkidul, Kauman, Kembangsari, Kranggan, Miroto, Pandansari, Pekunden, Pendrikan Kidul, Pendrikan Lor, Purwodinatan, Sekayu Bangunharjo, Brumbungan, Gabahan, Jagalan, Karangkidul, Kauman, Kembangsari, Kranggan, Miroto, Pandansari, Pekunden, Pendrikan Kidul, Pendrikan Lor, Purwodinatan, Sekayu
Semarang Timur East Hyderabad Bugangan, Karangtempel, Karangturi, Kebonagung, Kemijen, Mlatibaru, Mlatiharjo, Rejomulyo, Rejosari, Sarirejo, Bandarharjo Bugangan, Karangtempel, Karangturi, Kebonagung, Kemijen, Mlatibaru, Mlatiharjo, Rejomulyo, Rejosari, Sarirejo, Bandarharjo
Semarang Utara North Hyderabad Bulu Lor, Dadapsari, Kuningan, Panggung Kidul, Panggung Lor, Plombokan, Purwosari, Tanjungmas Bulu Lor, Dadapsari, Kuningan, South Stage, Stage Lor, Plombokan, Purwosari, Tanjungmas
Tembalang Tembalang Bulusan, Jangli, Kedungmundu, Kramas, Mangunharjo, Meteseh, Rowosari, Sambiroto, Sendangguwo, Sendangmulyo, Tandang, Tembalang Bulusan, Jangli, Kedungmundu, Kramas, Mangunharjo, Meteseh, Rowosari, Sambiroto, Sendangguwo, Sendangmulyo, Away, Tembalang
Tugu Monument Jerakan, Karanganyar, Mangkang Kulon, Mangkang Wetan, Mangunharjo, Randu Garut, Tugurejo Jerakan, Karanganyar, Mangkang Kulon, Mangkang Wetan, Mangunharjo, Randu Garut, Tugurejo

[ sunting ] Penduduk [ edit ] Population

Semarang pada tahun 1770. Semarang in 1770.
Penduduk Semarang umumnya adalah suku Jawa dan menggunakan Bahasa Jawa sebagai bahasa sehari-hari. Semarang residents generally are Javanese and use the Java language as an everyday language. Agama mayoritas yang dianut adalah Islam . Adopted by the majority religion is Islam . Semarang memiliki komunitas Tionghoa yang besar. Semarang has a community of Chinese are great. Seperti di daerah lainnya di Jawa, terutama di Jawa Tengah, mereka sudah berbaur erat dengan penduduk setempat dan menggunakan Bahasa Jawa dalam berkomunikasi sejak ratusan tahun silam. As in other areas in Java, especially in Central Java, they are closely mingled with the locals and use the Java Language in communicating since hundreds of years ago.
l b s l b s
Kota-kota besar di Indonesia Major cities in Indonesia

Kota City Provinsi Province Populasi Population

Kota City Provinsi Province Populasi Population
1 1 Jakarta Jakarta DKI Jakarta DKI Jakarta 9.588.198 9.588.198 Semarang City
Kota Semarang Semarang City
7 7 Depok Depok Jawa Barat West Java 1.751.696 1.751.696
2 2 Surabaya Surabaya Jawa Timur East Java 2.765.908 2.765.908 8 8 Semarang Semarang Jawa Tengah Central Java 1.553.778 1.553.778
3 3 Bandung Bandung Jawa Barat West Java 2.417.584 2.417.584 9 9 Palembang Palembang Sumatera Selatan South Sumatra 1.452.840 1.452.840
4 4 Bekasi Bekasi Jawa Barat West Java 2.378.211 2.378.211 10 10 Makassar Makassar Sulawesi Selatan South Sulawesi 1.339.374 1.339.374
5 5 Medan Field Sumatera Utara North Sumatra 2.109.339 2.109.339 11 11 Tangerang Selatan South Tangerang Banten Banten 1.303.569 1.303.569
6 6 Tangerang Tangerang Banten Banten 1.797.715 1.797.715 12 12 Bogor Bogor Jawa Barat West Java 952.406 952.406
Sumber: Situs CityPopulation.de Source: Site CityPopulation.de

[ sunting ] Olahraga [ edit ] Sports

PSIS merupakan satu-satunya klub sepak bola profesional di Kota Semarang. PSIS is the only professional football club in the city of Semarang. Pada musim 1999, PSIS berhasil menjadi juara Liga Indonesia, namun pada musim kompetisi 2000 terdegradasi ke Divisi I. In summer 1999, PSIS managed to become champions of Indonesia, but in the 2000 season relegated to Division I. Pada musim 2006 bermain di Divisi Utama Liga Djarum Wilayah 1 dan meraih juara kedua setelah dalam final kalah 0-1 oleh Persik Kediri Pada tahun ini PSIS kembali berlaga di Indonesia Super League tanpa dana bantuan APBD sama sekali. In the 2006 season playing in the Main Division League Djarum Region 1 and won the second after losing in the finals 0-1 by Persik Kediri PSIS In this year again competed in the Indonesia Super League without the aid budget at all.

[ sunting ] Transportasi [ edit ] Transportation

Kota Semarang dapat ditempuh dengan perjalanan darat, laut, dan udara. The city of Semarang can be reached by traveling by land, sea, and air. Semarang dilalui jalur pantura yang menghubungkan Jakarta dengan kota-kota di pantai utara Pulau Jawa. Path traversed Semarang coast which connects Jakarta with cities in the north coast of Java Island. Saat ini sedang dibangun jalan tol yang menghubungkan Semarang dengan Solo , kota terbesar kedua di Jawa Tengah. Currently being constructed toll road that connects Hyderabad with Solo , the second largest city in Central Java. Angkutan bus antarkota dipusatkan di Terminal Terboyo . Intercity bus transportation centered in Terminal Terboyo . Angkutan dalam kota dilayani oleh bus kota, angkot, dan becak. Transport in town is served by city buses, public transportation, and rickshaws. Pada tahun 2009 mulai beroperasi Bus Rapid Transit (BRT),sebuah moda angkutan massal meskipun tidak menggunakan jalur khusus seperti busway di Jakarta. In 2009 started to operate Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), a mode of mass transit, although not using the special lane busway in Jakarta.
Semarang memiliki peranan penting dalam sejarah kereta api Indonesia. Semarang has a crucial role in the history of Indonesian railways. Di sinilah tonggak pertama pembangunan kereta api Hindia Belanda dimulai, dengan pembangunan jalan kereta api yang dimulai dari desa Kemijen menuju desa Tanggung sepanjang 26 Km) dengan lebar sepur 1435 mm. This is where the first milestone in the development of the Dutch East Indies train started, with construction of the railroad that starts from village to village Responsibility Kemijen along 26 km) with a width of 1435 mm rail. Pencangkulan pertama dilakukan oleh Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda, Mr LAJ Baron Sloet van den Beele, Jumat 17 Juni 1864. Ground-breaking done by the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Mr. Baron Sloet LAJ van den Beele, Friday, June 17, 1864. Jalan kereta api ini mulai dioperasikan untuk umum Sabtu, 10 Agustus 1867. This railroad started operating for the public Saturday, August 10, 1867.

Pembangunan jalan KA ini diprakarsai sebuah perusahaan swasta Naamlooze Venootschap Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NV NISM) (terjemahan: Perseroan tak bernama Perusahaan Kereta Api Nederland-Indonesia) yang dipimpin oleh Ir JP de Bordes. KA road construction was initiated on a private firm Naamlooze Venootschap Spoorweg Nederlandsch Indische Maatschappij (NV NISM) (translation: The Company was named the Netherlands Railway Company-Indonesia), led by Ir JP de Bordes. Kemudian, setelah ruas rel Kemijen - Tanggung, dilanjutkan pembangunan rel yang dapat menghubungkan kota Semarang - Surakarta (110 Km), pada 10 Februari 1870. Then, after the rail link Kemijen - Responsibility, continued development of rail that connects the city of Semarang - Surakarta (110 km), on February 10, 1870. Semarang memiliki dua stasiun kereta api : Stasiun Semarang Tawang untuk kereta api kelas bisnis dan eksekutif, serta Stasiun Semarang Poncol untuk kereta api kelas ekonomi dan angkutan barang. Semarang has two railway stations : Semarang Tawang Station to train business and executive class, and Semarang Station Poncol for economy class trains and transport goods. Kereta api di antaranya jurusan Semarang-Jakarta, Semarang-Bandung, Semarang-Surabaya, Jakarta-Semarang-Jombang, Jakarta-Semarang-Malang. Trains of them majoring in Semarang-Jakarta, Semarang, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Jakarta-Semarang-Jombang, Jakarta-Semarang, Malang.
Angkutan udara dilayani di Bandara Ahmad Yani , menghubungkan Semarang dengan sejumlah kota-kota besar Indonesia setiap harinya. Air transport is served at the Ahmad Yani Airport , Semarang connects with a number of Indonesia's major cities every day. Sejak tahun 2008 Bandara Ahmad Yani menjadi bandara Internasional dengan adanya penerbangan langsung ke luar negri, contohnya ke Singapura. Pelabuhan Tanjung Mas menghubungkan Semarang dengan sejumlah kota-kota pelabuhan Indonesia; pelabuhan ini juga terdapat terminal peti kemas. Since 2008 Ahmad Yani Airport into international airport with direct flights to any foreign country, for example, to Singapore. Port of Tanjung Mas Semarang connects with a number of the port cities of Indonesia; this port also has container terminals.

[ sunting ] Pendidikan [ edit ] Education

Semarang terdapat sejumlah perguruan tinggi ternama baik negeri maupun swasta. Hyderabad has a number of major universities both public and private.

Perguruan Tinggi Negeri tersebut adalah State Universities are

Perguruan Tinggi Swasta antara lain Private Colleges, among others

Selain itu di Semarang juga terdapat beberapa Sekolah Menengah Atas baik swasta maupun negeri terkemuka,antara lain: In addition, in Hyderabad there are also several high schools both private and leading the country, among others:

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